Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Car Sale

So I'm finally buying the car that I have waited so many years for. And let me tell you that it is damn expensive. I am a living example of a modern yuppie who is up to her ears in debt and yet has a snazzy lifestyle. OK.. maybe not so snazzy... but i have the right house, right phone, right shoes, right bags and now the right car... (i specifically don't mention clothes because no woman can have the right clothes.. there's always something else that can do better)...

In any case.. I was talking about the debt and the car. So after evaluating the various financial options that I have and the possible discounts that i can manage, it turned out that I'll be wiping out my bank balance and will have to beg on the streets for petrol... Imagine! having a swanky car n not being able to drive it as there is no money for fuel!

Then obviously i was grumbling away at the sky high road taxes and expensive insurance and loan rates... when it hit me! why don't cars have sale? We have sale on everything else... personal stuff, household goods, electronics.. then y not car sales? i would love to see a 50% off sign at the Honda showroom...and it would be so affordable.. and car makers can also sell of so many units.. hah! A sale is good for everybody..Wonder why no one ever thought of it..

Anyway.. so now the idea is in the market for Honda to pick it up (pioneer it i should say) and others can follow too.. Heck! i wont even take royalties for the IP right.

Well.. what are you waiting for?