Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Family - stressing people out since the beginning of time

Don't get me wrong. I love my family and all the quirks they come with. But that doesn't stop me from pulling my hair out after spending 5 minutes with them!

Navigating a family gathering is a balancing act that no rope walker can match. Fine lines and eggshells are everywhere and there are some land mines. Some of us try to tip-toe around and wince when others stomp by. Everyone is always right but nothing is right; everyone has an opinion that doesn't match with anyone; and the combined knowledge in the room is more significant than Google. Caustic remarks, hidden barbs, and words of wisdom fly everywhere like arrows on a battlefield. I usually hide behind the shield of a book or the screen of my laptop.

Try and order food, no two people want to eat the same thing, yet people want to defer to others preference. If you order something in sheer frustration and because it's time for restaurants to close, you get criticized by everyone for your choice.

Want to watch TV? Really? You must've lost your mind. It's impossible to agree on one show everyone wants to watch - leaving aside the complaints of those who don't want to watch it at all as it comes in the way of their gossip.

Gossip - that's the only thing that goes well. Because then the combined critical power of the group is directed towards someone else not present. It also goes well in smaller groups that collect together to talk about the other groups - meaningful glances are an added bonus.

I could go on, but I have to leave the safe haven of my laptop and order food now :(... wish me luck!

1 comment:

vortex said...

lol.. i was getting super harassed that day