Monday, March 07, 2011

Of love potions and job spells

This friday I spent an intersting evening yakking away with a friend. Considering that she is looking for love and I for money we tested the power of google. Lo and Behold.. what an interesting collection of Love potions and Job spells. Just for the heck of it we also checked out potions that can make you lose weight (it was lemon tea).

It's amazing how so many of these spells are to do with candles and tea and moonlight. I could just imagine her brewing that potent love tea and drinking it in her balcony covered in moonlight.

We also realized getting a job is easier than finding love in the spell domain too. Spells to get a job are fairly simple.. warm up ur money with a green candle (i'm sure the spell writer was thinking in dollars, Indian money isn't green) and tie it behind ur pic.. on the other hand, to find love you have to go through gruelling rituals of more than one candle, middle of the night, some leaves, fruits, flowers, tea, papers, etc etc..

Well buddy.. I got off easy :P

1 comment:

Puja Wahi said...

Don't forget the human pheromones! (That can be ordered online!) Yuckkk!