Saturday, May 26, 2012

That little box in my heart

Sometimes sitting alone I take out a little box in my heart and wipe away the dust. It's made of carved wood and is a little chipped at the edges. The hinges are a little rusty... I don't open it often enough. Where is the time to be alone now-a-days.

As it creaks open, the contents spill out and fill my heart. I suppose the box is too small for 3 decades of memories.

There are good things and bad, things that make me laugh and some that make me cry. There are old letters, falling apart at the creases, ink fading away with time. No matter, I can still read them as if they were written today. There are pranks that we played, giggling away from the bottom of the box. There are games with long lost friends, bicycle rides through unknown lanes, there are fetes and functions, weddings and some funerals. There are tears of losing a pet and delights of a new keyboard. There are heartbreaks and heartaches, flowers and chocolates, gossips and dreams, dates and fairy tales.

It's time to close too soon :). Chores call and the box is back in its recess. But it's left me with a warm glow to tide me through the day :)


Sum said...

A very beautiful post :)

vortex said...

Thanks Sum :)