Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Bangalore - Then and Now

When I came to Bangalore (a looooonnnng time ago) it was like an oasis for someone coming from a desert (literally). I loved everything here, the weather, the roads, the lifestyle, the people, the order and yet the chaos. It was beautiful and I wanted to stay here forever... in fact i was so reluctant to leave that even after 2 years in the maximum city Mumbai.. i longed to come back to this peaceful, beautiful, paradise...

Fast forward to NOW! looks like I've got my wish and I'm stuck here for good! Imagine my plight when i came back to Bangalore to find it a mess that it is today. The weather is sure awesome still.. but they have SUMMERS now!!! when earlier the word had no meaning here.. the order has given way to chaos.. and the growing city is literally bursting at seams because the so called "planners" left no place to let some stitches out and allow the city to breathe. There is no plan to this city now... things are just mushrooming everywhere... infrastructure, utilities, rules, law and order... are all not "thought out" but a whim or fancy of some politician or the other.

There are more potholes than roads, the metro is a toy train, electricity isn't 24/7, roads are flooded in minor rains... let's not talk about the auto drivers, petrol prices and the north south divide....overall.. on a roller coaster for doom... prediction - will not be livable in another 3 years....

So my paradise has gone to hell... and I'm back here.. thank god for the people though :)