Monday, March 15, 2010

Alice in wonderland

I would like to see the movie.. But as likely as not I'll end up watching it with the eye of a cynic like I do everything else.

I feel we are more prone to see what is wrong than what is right, quick to criticize and slow to appreciate, find faults than appreciate the idea...

Why do we turn this way? Where has all the wonder of our childhood gone, the trust we placed in anyone who had a kind word for us, the excitement of finding new things. Oh! the joy of finding baby mice in their nest in the attic, the heart rending cries when the adults tried to throw them out, the sneaky attempts to go find them later and replace them one by one in a shoe box.. Trying to coax them into having just a tiny drop of milk...

Or trying to wheedle 50 paise from anyone in the house on a hot summer day, running behing the kulfi waala when we got the money in the nick of time.. The breathless anxiety of catching him and then the mouth watering wait while he took out a delicious stick of kulfi.. The happy walk back home slurping on the treat of the day.

Such simple things and such great pleasure..

And now we have bank accounts full of money, we own property, cars, fancy gadgets, we don't think twice before spending a small fortune on a night of drunken dancing..

but where is the happiness?? Where is the wonderland of our childhood??

I wish I could be alice in wonderland again...

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Puja Wahi said...
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