Thursday, March 24, 2011

Notice Period

Soooo.. I got married.. finally it happened and nothing much has changed. Except that I had to quit my job and relocate. These past months I have been on a notice period, and some of the things I have done to occupy myself are:
  1. Frantically looked for another job
  2. Called up everyone I knew
  3. Scrolled through my address book every 5 minutes just to do something on my phone
  4. Looked at walls for 10 minutes and then 5 minutes at the ceiling.. basically to look deep in thought
  5. Made 5 versions of my resume
  6. Debated with myself whether I should add a pic or not
  7. Checked my nails.. chewed on them a bit
  8. Looked at all profiles on facebook
  9. Added mutitudes on linkedin
  10. Started a cookbook
  11. Opened an ebay account
  12. Posted articles online
  13. Shopped (obviously)
  14. Considered options for making money
  15. Cosidered a career as a homemaker
  16. Thought about my EMI and reconsidered number 15 and thought some more about number 14. Also speeded up activity on numero uno.
  17. Looked up love potions and job spells on the internet (as my previous post mentions)
  18. Started a new blog on food
  19. Did not get bonus.. back to number 14
  20. Cooked
  21. Ate (as a consequence of number 19)
  22. Updated randomly on facebook
  23. Made this list
  24. Looked at random photos
  25. Thought up names for my future business
  26. Painted and posted on facebook
  27. Checked gmail every 30 seconds
  28. Updated resume on everyday
  29. Refreshed job search every 2 minutes
  30. Lazed around for hours
  31. Watched TV.. flipped channels
  32. Ran up a huge credit card bill (related to number 13 and led to more focus on number 1 and 14)
  33. Watched fairytales on youtube
  34. Invited friends for dinner
  35. Finally got a job (not connected to number 32)
  36. Waiting for the wait to get over

1 comment:

lakshaya said...

That is a lot of jobs gal!!! Never knew notice period can keep one this busy!!! LOL!