Monday, March 04, 2013

The slow death of creativity

So this Sunday Ju and I volunteered for Dream a Dream (DaD. Note: This is my short form for them, nothing official) Grad day. Dream a Dream is this NGO that works on developing life skills in underprivileged children. They were having this grand celebration for children who had completed their tenure with DaD. So we pitched in to help on the final day and arrived at this big auditorium at St. Joseph's school. Everyone was busy decorating, putting up cutouts, balloons, lights, speakers etc. to complete the set up for the afternoon ceremony. Ju and I were given the task of putting up streamers to brighten up the dull walls. And after a LOT of thought, THIS is what we could manage!!! Like really!!!

However, we did have an interesting chat on age and corporate culture destroying creativity. We couldn't do random things with the streamers! We had to arrange it neatly at the same height in the same pattern all over the place. And even AFTER we had this conversation, we went on sticking them the same way! That's adherence to guidelines for you! Bah... if only we were kids, we'd have had a field day with those paper strips.

But in any case, we did have a good time doing our bit for the decorations and the overall look with everything - the lights, the lasers, the fog machine, the music was really awesome and I believe the kids had a field day :)

A totally awesome way to spend a Sunday :D

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