Sunday, August 11, 2013

Happiness is in little things

I've been meaning to write this post for a while now. One of these Sundays that I went volunteering for the Dream a Dream foundation. It was a career counselling workshop for underprivileged children to help them understand the options that lay ahead of them.

Honestly, like always, it was more an eyeopener for me. As we took them through the various careers they can explore as they complete each education stage, their ambition was evident. And so was their creativity. There were some who wanted to be fashion designers, some event managers, some wanted to join the film industry and some wanted to do theater.

For some one as practical as I am, it was a great challenge to give them advise. How do I tell them that what they are aiming for may not be possible given their means while not quashing their ambition and passion? I really believe passion is a luxury that only the rich can afford. And yet it was impossible to tell them "don't do this". Instead I tried to tell them ways in which they can pursue these goals in some fashion while also looking at gainful employment.

The highlight of the day was "The Project of Life" where each of us had to draw our current life and what makes us happy and/or sad. And then draw our lives as we see them 10 years from now. Well it was a revelation seeing what they drew. Such simple wants and so much happiness! I won't get philosophical and go one about how we are all so materialistic and unhappy. Because I am most materialistic of them all and one of the real believers in the "money can buy happiness" religion.

But anyway, what I am trying to say is - one can fine happiness anywhere - in the smallest things in life. You just have to keep your eyes and hearts open. And this was a happy day in my life that I will remember. Check out a few clicks of what we were up to.

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