Thursday, August 17, 2006


Something i didn 't have till recently. I never got along well with girls, though i had a big friend circle in school (a girls' school) but somehow there was always a disconnect. I somehow had to pretend to like the stuff that came naturally to them... like hugging every time you met, screaming with delight (i'm assuming it was delight) at trivial things which would not even make me raise an eyebrow, discussing clothes and makeup or guys... and blah blah blah....

So... the disconnect existed in the thought process and also on the expressive front. I was really never comfortable with hugging (guess i'm still not, but concessions can be made on special occasions). Therefore sharing their intimate secrets or being a part of the "girl club" was not a privilage extended to me. Sure i went for all the parties, shared all joys and sorrows but that was just a front, "I" was standing on the sidelines watching the drama unfold and admiring my acting skills :)
At present there is a confusion as to whether I have changed or the times have changed. I think it must be me or i've been extreamly lucky to get a set of girlfriends who can behave like normal human beings (even though they think i'm abnormal). Another possibility is that we've all grown up and have changed with the times. These friends of mine have made me realize the importance of having a girlfriend in your life. They empathize with you when u feel down in the dumps, understand what A**H**** guys can be and how they can make your life miserable for no reason at all, cook little treats for u and make u feel special, give u little presents even if there is no occasion, laugh with u, cry with u and admire a few endangered species of good looking guys with you. They are the ones who really appreciate the concept of PMS, they understand your temper tantrums, mood swings and food cravings. They understand the magic of chocolate and can moan with you over a pack of "pure magic" or Hershey's kisses.
Well my list can go on endlessly all thanks to my friends. Maybe i'll continue in the next post...
Till then...

1 comment:

Puja Wahi said...
