Monday, July 30, 2012

A year of change

No clue if the world will end in 2012 or not, but it's sure changing a hell lot! Especially for me. So many new things have happened, most at work, some in life, that it's become a massive change management exercise for me.

The year began with a major turning point when I crossed over to the other side of 30. All is pretty much the same as always and it always makes me wonder how I am pretty ok with life altering events like getting married but really affected by small things like a change of team. But in any case, crossed that one milestone and managed to do a few things that I had really wanted. Got a tattoo, donated my eyes and volunteered for social work, and not in that order.

Then it was change at work, where saw a mass exodus of people I worked with, including the big boss. Still adjusting to the new ones pouring in and some more slowly leaving. Almost every week there is some one putting in their papers and there is a frantic hunt for replacements. So much of chaos that no one knows who's working on what anymore!

Some upcoming changes in lives of people I love. My cousin is about to have a baby... that's about as life altering as possible. So there's the fact to deal with that we can never go back to those fun times we had when we didn't have such responsibilities on our head. There is also a doubt if we would be able to connect to each other on the same level after this... after all... i don't understand babies!

And I also hear that my li'l sis plans to get married. Quite strange to think that and on some level quite normal too. I can see her getting married more clearly than i ever thought of my own wedding. So mom's gonna go crazy again :) (she cannot handle organising and planning) and I'd need to apply for leave.

Overall it's a little overwhelming :) and though i crave for change, I'd rather God doled it out in smaller instalments that give me some time for adjustment.

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